Named after its distinctive black eyebrows, this nationally vulnerable bird has a white body, black wings and an orange-yellow bill. Despite an impressive wingspan of 240 centimetres, it is one of the smaller albatrosses.

Black-browed albatross.
Black-browed albatross. Credit: Marg Kibby


You’ll often see the black-browed albatross in winter from Devil’s Elbow, or on the Munyunga waraga Dhugan trail gliding over the ocean in search of squid and fish. This fascinating bird lives up to 70 years and spends much of its life at sea. 


In spite of its size it’s an incredibly skillful bird in the air and will seize prey from the surface or dive several metres to catch fish. You may also see it following fishing boats in the hope of collecting discarded fish.

Its large wingspan allows it to follow air currents for long periods of time, soaring on strong winds and resting on the ocean, often in colonies, migrating great distances every year.


The black-browed albatross breeds each year on the cliffs or steep slopes of Antarctic or sub-Antarctic islands such as Macquarie and Heard Islands.


The black browed albatross makes a series of guttural grunting sounds.