The short-beaked echidna belongs to the Tachyglossidae family, and is one of four living species of echidna in Australia. You might be surprised to learn that the only similar species is the platypus. Both are monotremes, or egg-laying mammals, and you can find both on Australian coins!


This spiky anteater is a solitary burrowing animal. When attacked it curls itself into a ball using its spines as a method of defence.

The echidna uses its sharp claws to quickly burrow into the earth, and its special tongue to catch insects rapidly to eat. The echidna is a timid animal, so if you see one, be sure to move quietly and slowly.

Echidnas are on the move at Booderee from the end of June to early September: you may spot these spiny critters at Green Patch or Iluka.