When to come
Whenever you choose to visit us, rest assured that Booderee is beautiful at any time of year.
Average temperatures range from 9–15°C in July to 17–24°C in January. We recommend packing a range of clothing to ensure that you can stay warm and dry, whatever the weather!
The summer period is very popular and all our camping areas fill up well before Christmas. Campsites for the summer school holidays are allocated by ballot – for more details please call the Booderee Visitor Centre on +61 429 008 017 or email booderee.mail@dcceew.gov.au
The winter whale migration in June and early July is a very special experience at Jervis Bay. When the whales make their southerly migration in spring they sometimes come in close to the shore and play in the sheltered bays with their newborn calves. Learn more about whale watching.

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