On 28 March 2025 the government assumed a Caretaker role. Information on websites maintained by Parks Australia will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions until after the conclusion of the caretaker period.

Thursday 8 July 2021

In response to the ongoing COVID-19 situation in NSW, Booderee National Park will continue to only allow day visitation.

Visitors who have been in Greater Sydney, Central Coast, Blue Mountains, Wollongong and Shellharbour regions of NSW in the previous 14 days must not enter the Jervis Bay Territory, unless you obtain an exemption before arriving.

There will be no camping at Booderee National Park until at least 9am on Saturday 17 July 2021.

There will also be no entry into the Booderee Visitor Centre during this period but you can still contact Booderee National Park by phone and email - +61 429 008 017Booderee.mail@awe.gov.au - and you can book your park pass online.

The Booderee Botanic Gardens remains open for day visitors.

While we regret the inconvenience caused by these restrictions, the wellbeing of our visitors, staff and local communities continues to be our first priority. Our national park and botanic gardens are treasured places for both locals and visitors alike. Parks Australia is committed to taking appropriate precautionary measures to protect the health of all concerned.

Travellers need to stay up-to-date with where they can travel and which areas have been declared COVID-19 hotspots, as the COVID-19 situation in Australia is continually evolving.

The Jervis Bay Territory including Booderee National Park is subject to the Public Health Directions currently in place for the Australian Capital Territory. Please consult this list before travelling to Booderee National Park.

Further updates will be posted here in the news section of the Booderee website.