On 28 March 2025 the government assumed a Caretaker role. Information on websites maintained by Parks Australia will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions until after the conclusion of the caretaker period.

Murrays Beach

Murrays Beach

Friday 29 January 2021

We’re pleased to advise that Booderee National Park will reopen to visitors from 12 midday on Friday, 29 January 2021.

The fire, which broke out on Tuesday 26 January 2021, forced the park to close while it was brought under control and remained closed while clean up works and safety assessments were conducted.

We are now confident to open major areas of the park, however Cave Beach and our Botanic Gardens will remain closed at this stage, so remaining clean up works can be completed. There is still a risk of falling branches and other safety issues, so please stay clear of any of the fire affected areas.

As always, park staff remain dedicated to ensuring the safety of all our visitors, community and staff.

Future updates will be provided once these areas are safe to open.